Sunday, May 24, 2009

A few more days!

Well, it is Sunday night and I leave on Wednesday in the wee morning hours! I can't wait! I am all packed and ready to go since the next two days are a little crazy. Of course, as usual, I have way too much that I am bringing along with me! There are so many things that they cannot get in Costa Rica or that are really expensive there- so I always try and load up with as much as possible to bring to Leo and his family. Sometimes I think I could easily fill 10 suitcases but unfortunately there are some strict lugguge rules on the airlines these days. Hopefully I do not get stuck having to pay the over limit fee which can be quite hefty! Today I woke up and have the feeling I am getting a cold- I have a sore throat and achy bones. Of course! It always happens just before I am going away!! So, tonight I am drugging up with some Neo Citron and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. The next time I write I will be in Costa Rica!! I am excited- 5 months is way too long to be apart from your husband!

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